DevelopMENTAL Madness

Friday, April 25, 2008

Debugging Custom Report Item controls for Sql Server Reporting Services

When you are developing a control which inherits from CustomReportItem for Sql Server Reporting Services (SSRS) you will certainly want to debug your code. The documentation is shoddy and at best incomplete, and the examples are poorly explained. So being able to debug your control is paramount to your success.

The way to setup debugging follow these steps:

  1. Open the project properties for your custom report item (right click project - Properties...)
  2. Set debug properties (Click "Debug" tab on the left)
  3. Set start action (under start action click "Start External Program")
  4. Browse for DevEnv.exe (C:Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe)
  5. Set command line arguments (enter the path to your test solution - a reporting services project)
  6. Save your property changes

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Abstracting System.Web.UI.ScriptManager away from the Web Forms model

As I continue to work with the ASP.NET MVC framework I continue to be inspired to dig deeper into things, to find out how they work and how I can make them work with this awesome new framework.

The case in point here is using ASP.NET Ajax controls with MVC. Currently this doesn’t work because it is closely tied to the web forms model. More specifically, ASP.NET Ajax requires an html form element with the runat attribute set to “server”. Without it, client enabled controls written to use the ScriptManager server control won’t work.

Here’s the error message if you include ScriptManager without <form runat="server">

Control 'ScriptManager1' of type 'ScriptManager' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

The result is then that two versions of the control must be written. One using ScriptManager, and another which has its own plumbing written to register client scripts and script blocks with the target page.

What I like about using ScriptManager (which uses ClientScriptManager under the hood) is the ability to easily register scripts with the target page. The reason I find this important is because it means I can embed all my resources with my control and the consumer of my control doesn’t have to worry at all about making sure the correct version of the scripts and all their dependencies are included both on the page and in the project files. While this certainly doesn’t require the use of web forms, it makes it compatible with both frameworks.

The ScriptManager abstraction

The first abstraction is the ScriptManager. We want our server controls to work with or without the ScriptManager, so we need to provide a layer which allows us to author controls which work with a script manager, but it doesn’t have to always be ScriptManager. Here’s a diagram of how this can be done.

What we have is an abstract base class aptly named, ScriptManagerBase. It implements two interfaces IPostBackDataHandler and IScriptManager. The first is part of the .NET Framework, while the second was just a way to easily generate method stubs, but could be used to further abstract away details in the future.

The second class, ScriptManagerWrapper, is exactly what the name implies. It is a wrapper class for System.Web.UI.ScriptManager which inherits from ScriptManagerBase. We never interact directly with ScriptManagerWrapper, but when a control which is aware of ScriptMangerBase calls its static GetCurrent method and the page contains an instanct of System.Web.UI.ScriptManager it is returned to the caller after wrapping it within ScriptManagerWrapper, like this:

Server Control

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
if (!this.DesignMode)
//Get the script manager here
_manager = ScriptManagerBase.GetCurrent(Page);

if (_manager == null)
throw new System.Web.HttpException("A ScriptManagerBase control must exist on this page");



ScriptManagerBase.GetCurrent method

public static ScriptManagerBase GetCurrent(Page page)
if (page == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("page");

ScriptManagerBase scriptManager = (page.Items[typeof(ScriptManagerBase)] as ScriptManagerBase);
if (scriptManager == null)
ScriptManager sm = page.Items[typeof(ScriptManager)] as ScriptManager;
if(sm != null)
scriptManager = new ScriptManagerWrapper(sm);

return scriptManager;

This follows the model employed by the .NET Framework, the ScriptManager adds itself to the Items collection of System.Web.UI.Page during the OnInit event (not shown). Then when a control calls the static GetCurrent event the instance which is used for the page is returned. In our case, we first look for an instance of ScriptManagerBase in the Items collection. If it doesn’t exist, then there might be an instance of System.Web.UI.ScriptManager. If there is, then we wrap it and return that instance. This way the control doesn’t care which class is being used, it will function exactly the same.

ScriptManager implementation

ScriptManagerWrapper, as you might assume simply delegates calls to its methods directly to System.Web.UI.ScriptManager. No surprises there. But for ScriptManagerBase I had to decide how I would implement its behaviors. Because of time and budget constraints (I really don’t have much of either) I really didn’t want to have to provide a full implementation of all its behaviors.

While digging through ScriptManager’s implementation using Reflector, I noticed that ScriptManager was actually using ClientScriptManager for much of its functionality. So I decided to figure out where the dependency on web forms really was. Was it with ScriptManager or ClientScriptManager.

The answer is actually both. For script manager, you’ll get an error without web forms. For ClientScriptManager, you can compile and you can even run your page and you won’t get any complaints. But if you try and use any functionality that depends on ClientScriptManager and nothing happens, why? If you view the source of the page you’ll see none of your scripts registered with ClientScriptManager are in the page’s source.

The reason for this is that when you have an HtmlForm control (form with runat=”server”), the control’s RenderChildren method calls the internal page.BeginFormRender() method. This method calls the internal ClientScriptManger.RenderClientScriptBlocks method. So if your form element is just a standard html form element (no server-side registration) then these methods don’t get called and your script is omitted from the page’s output.

Bad, Bad, Bad – But it works!

Here’s where things get a little sketchy. What I am about to do is not a good idea if you are planning on developing a commercial script library or need to deploy your library to a hosted environment. Because it won’t work in a hosted environment, so if you want to, you can’t. And if the client’s of your commercial library want to (and they will) they can’t. So why do it? Two reasons: first, my solution is not currently a commercial solution and second, because of #1 I can afford a short cut that gets me what I want in the short term and I can change it later when I need to.

So what is it I’m going to do that so bad? Well, here’s my solution for using ClientScriptManager without an HtmlForm server control:


private void OnPageInitComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (base.DesignMode)

if (Page.Form == null)
//need formless script manager
_clientScript = new FormlessClientScriptManager(Page);
//load standard script manager (ClientScriptManager)
_clientScript = new ClientScriptManagerWrapper(Page);


internal class FormlessClientScriptManager : ClientScriptManagerWrapper
public FormlessClientScriptManager(Page page) : base(page)
// because there's no <form runat="server">we have to manually render
// all registered scripts in the header

private void RenderHtmlHead(HtmlTextWriter output, Control container)
//manually render the begin tag

//manually render children
foreach (Control control in container.Controls)

//render script stuff
ClientScriptManager script = container.Page.ClientScript;
Type scriptType = script.GetType();
Type[] argTypes = new Type[] { typeof(HtmlTextWriter) };

// we could write our own register and render methods, which would work better in hosted environments
// but for now this will save some time until that is needed
MethodInfo renderBlocks = scriptType.GetMethod("RenderClientScriptBlocks",
BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Instance, null, argTypes, null);
MethodInfo renderStartUp = scriptType.GetMethod("RenderClientStartupScripts",
BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Instance, null, argTypes, null);
MethodInfo renderArrays = scriptType.GetMethod("RenderArrayDeclares",
BindingFlags.NonPublic BindingFlags.Instance, null, argTypes, null);

Object[] args = new Object[]{output};

renderBlocks.Invoke(script, args);
renderArrays.Invoke(script, args);
renderStartUp.Invoke(script, args);

//render CssIncludes
ListDictionary cssIncludes = base.GetClientCssIncludes();
foreach (String url in cssIncludes.Values)
output.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rel, "stylesheet");
output.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "text/css");
output.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, url);

//close the head element

So what’s the problem here? There’s two problems: first, look at the constructor. The call to SetRenderMethodDelegate() is calling a method that “supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code”. This isn’t really the problem I was referring to, but certainly raises red flags about the compatibility of your solution with future releases of the framework.

The second problem is that I’m using reflection here to call the private methods RenderClientScriptBlocks, RenderClientStartupScripts and RenderArrayDeclares. This won’t fly in a hosted environment which is properly enforcing security (ie. if they have enforced ReflectionPermission). So don’t do it if your code may need to run in an hosted environment.

However, if you have complete control over your environment then you can certainly sign your own controls and grant FullTrust to that signature while still maintaining a secure environment for your code.

Besides, to quote Scott Hanselman “If you’re going to ‘sin’ do it with style – do it with reflection”.

Returning to ScriptManager, the ScriptMangerBase implementation also uses ClientScriptManger which is abstracted like ScriptManager so we can eventually do this in a “non evil” way without affecting the rest of our solution. The only caveat is that we need to call the abstracted ClientScriptManagerBase which is a property of our ScriptManagerBase. If we use Page.ClientScriptManager from our controls, they will break once we replace our cheat with a full implementation. Not to mention that referencing ClientScriptManager directly breaks the whole abstraction chain, you can do it but you will loose the benefits of all your hard work.


There are other ways to do this, but I found this very valuable because it maintains compatibility with both ASP.NET models (web forms and MVC) and because there was surprisingly very little work involved in getting this done. Not to mention it was a great exercise in OOP – by using abstraction when we develop we can create cross-platform solutions and reduce the amount of work required to get it done.

Source Code

To get the source code visit where I have hosted the source for this solution as well as a “proof of concept” that I have started (not done, I’m just getting started at this point) an implementation of a server control library for ExtJs. The source code also includes two demo apps, one MVC and one Web Forms. The demos simply show a very simple server control which uses the abstractions we’ve discussed here that works in both environments without any changes or workarounds.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

"FIX" for Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException 12019 Problem with MultipleIEs

Before I started working with ASP.NET Ajax I found using MultipleIEs very valuable for testing pages for both IE6 and IE7. But then I started working on a project which had been developed using the ASP.NET UpdatePanel and IE6 became worthless. I got the error "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException" with an error number of 12019.

But recently a user had a problem which could only be duplicated in IE6, so I had to figure out a way to get it to work on my machine. Fortunately, I stumbled on a thread on which mentioned that copying msxml3.dll from your system32 folder to the multipleIEs/IE6 folder.

After doing this the error stopped and I could use the page. However, the main problem is that the UpdatePanel still does not. So I can manipulate the form elements, but the UpdatePanel doesn't update the section of the page which is tied to the event.

So if anyone happens to know what else needs to be done, I would love to know.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Using Ajax with ASP.NET MVC

One of the features I continue to wait for from the ASP.NET MVC team is a server control library to work with the MVC framework. So as I have been working on a project using ASP.NET MVC I have begun developing my own library of server controls.

Recently, I began looking at the ExtJs library as a client-side script library for my project. I love how extensible the library is and the documentation is very good. However, there seems to be quite a bit of boiler plate code to be written for any data driven controls. So I decided to look into developing a library of controls to wrap the creation and configuration of ExtJs controls.

The main problem is that the MVC framework doesn't currently provide built-in javascript/ajax support. Sure you can do it all by hand, but I am determined that the current project I am working on will be very designer friendly. Which is one of the reasons I really like MVC - the code is moved away from the view which means away from the designer.

When developing server controls with client capabilities for the ASP.NET web forms model the controls depend heavily on the ScriptManager and ClientScriptManager classes which in turn depend upon a form element with the runat attribute set to "server". But the MVC model doesn't use a server-side form element.

However, I determined that by creating an abstraction layer I could create server controls using the same model as web forms. The abstraction layer then allows the authoring of server controls which no longer depend on the web forms model. This allows the controls to then be used for both the web forms model as well as the MVC model.

Today, I created a project on CodePlex which consists of the abstraction layer I created as well as a server control library based on the abstraction layer which encapsulates the ExtJs library.

So far, the Panel control is the only control I have authored. But over the next few weeks and months I plan to continue developing additional server controls which will make it easy to create client controls which connect to web services and WCF services by simply dragging the control to the designer and setting a view properties.

Here's just an example of how easy it is to use these server controls in your MVC or web forms project.

At the top of your aspx file include the following declaration:

<%@ Register Assembly="DevelopmentalMadness.Web.UI.ExtJsControlLibrary" Namespace="DevelopmentalMadness.Web.UI.ExtJsControlLibrary" TagPrefix="js" %>

Then anywhere in your page include the next two control declarations:

<js:extjsscriptmanager id="ScriptManager1" runat="server"/>

<js:extjspanel id="myPanel" title="control title" width="300px" runat="server" collapsible="true" html="control content"/>

And that's it. If you download the latest source code from my CodePlex project you'll see an example of using these controls in both an MVC application as well as a web forms project.

As I add new capabilities I'll write tutorials. My biggest hope is that others will use the abstraction library to write controls for other javascript libraries like JQuery or others.

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Fast RowCount for SQL 2005

This is nothing new or revolutionary, but is important nonetheless for those maintaining large-scale SQL Server databases. For years I've used the sysindexes system table to find out how many rows are in a large table. The reason for this is to prevent table scans of large tables just to find out how many rows are in that table.

Sometimes you just gotta know and you don't need a custom filter, just the raw row count. If you use SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable you scan the whole table affecting the performance of your server.

For those who've never heard of this here's the sysindexes version for a single table:

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(N'myTable') AS [Name], rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'myTable') AND indid < 2

Well, I've always used this version up to now but with the new catalog views in SQL Server 2005 and the looming obsolescence of the old system tables with newer upcoming versions of SQL Server (no I don't know if they will still be available for SQL 2008, but the existence of the System Catalogs indicates System Tables are going away) I decided I should figure out where this information is now stored.

As it turns out the information is stored in the sys.partitions catalog. And here's the syntax:

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(N'myTable) AS [Name], P.* FROM sys.indexes I
INNER JOIN sys.partitions P ON P.object_id = I.object_id AND P.index_id = I.index_id
WHERE I.index_id < 2

So while many of you may already know about this, I figured the post could be at least helpful to myself for reference until I know it without having to look it up. But, as always, I also hope that I can help someone out there who is looking for exactly this.

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